Have you ever hit the “random article” button on Wikipedia? It’s actually a perfect way to get some original ideas flowing, start a stream of creativity, or just alleviate boredom in general.

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To illustrate how interesting the “random article” button can be, here are some results I got from clicking it.
Slim family
“The Slim Family, formerly Salim, is an ethnically Lebanese dynastic family that currently resides in Mexico. The family has an immense business tradition and is currently one of the wealthiest families in the world.“
Goes novus
“Goes novus is a species of beetle in the family Cerambycidae. It was described by Fall in 1928. It is known from United States.”
Johnstone, O’Shannessy and Co
“Johnstone, O’Shannessy & Co was a leading photographic studio located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. It was active from 1865 to 1905.”
Henry K. Beecher
“Henry Knowles Beecher (February 4, 1904[1] – July 25, 1976[2]) was a pioneering American anesthesiologist, medical ethicist, and investigator of the placebo effect at Harvard Medical School.
Beecher’s influential 1966 article on unethical medical experimentationin the New England Journal of Medicine — “Ethics and Clinical Research” — was instrumental in the implementation of federal rules on human experimentation and informed consent.“
Electro precipitation
“Electro Precipitation is the removal of heavy metal ions, charged colloids, emulsions, and microorganisms by passing direct electric current (introduced via parallel plates constructed of various metals that are selected to optimize the removal process) through contaminated water.”
So go to any Wikipedia page, go to the bar on the left side of the page and click “random article.” It won’t disappoint.
In addition, several creepy Wikipedia pages were pointed out by the Buzzfeed community recently. They include:
Fred and Rosemary West
Black-eyed children
Lizzie Borden
Ultimate fate of the universe
The Max Headroom broadcast signal intrusion
Joyce Vincent
Project MKUltra
List of unusual deaths
The disappearance of Maura Murray
June and Jennifer Gibson, aka “The Silent Twins”
The Hinterkaifeck murders
Armin Meiwes
The Villisca axe murders
Nathaniel Bar-Jonah
Charles Domery
Source : anongroup.org