3 weeks ago, on 9/11 a mysterious 4chan user who went only by “John” made a series of at the time overlooked posts. He warned users to stay away from any gatherings of large groups of people in the Vegas or nearby Henderson areas. Stating that he had insider knowledge of what he referred to as a “high incident project” that was set to occur soon.

While the poster was ignored at the time, since nothing seemed to occur on the 12th. The fact this John wrote “I can’t guarantee anything will happen tomorrow but las vegas is on their minds,” seems almost frightening now that just a few weeks later the largest mass shooting in American history has occurred at this very location.
If we even consider the idea there could be any truth to such a plot in the first place, its not really all that unreasonable to believe the organizers could have simply adjusted there schedule by a few weeks. This could have been done for a myriad of reasons including just simply deciding the concert target eventually chosen served their purposes better. If true though even more troubling is the profit minded motivation behind the shooting that John went on to describe.

He states this “project” will be done with an endgame goal of passing new laws in Nevada regarding casino security. Making pricey new security screening machines mandatory for all guests. With even further more ambitious plans to follow suit in our schools and other public buildings if the public goes along with the casino machines easily enough.
He also specifically names former head of the Department of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff and Casino owner and billionaire Sheldon Adelson as the two men set to profit most off the wave of new regulations set to spring up in response to the Vegas incident.
It’s not all that unreasonable even to believe that Mr. Chertoff might seek to profit from a new security panic in the wake of Vegas. Given that the man has already been accused of abusing the public trust by raising security fears among average American’s in an attempt to sell his companies body scanners before, all the way back in 2010.
While the media paints the shooter Stephen Paddock as a lone wolf type and seems mystified over the possible motivations for a man, who the media andFBI at least keep claiming had no religious or strong political ideologies. A new theory has been emerging in the wake of the revelations above. With new information now breaking that the shooter was a rather active vegas gambler with recent large transactions to his name.
Could Stephen have simply been threatened into doing this horrible act by some third party, in the name of paying off some possible large gambling debts? His family as well may have been threatened. If Stephen wasn’t acting of his own accord, then a number of the seemingly unexplained parts to this whole story do start making a lot more sense.
Even if this is all one giant coincidence. The fact does remain that people like Chertoff and those behind similar companies do stand to profit quite nicely in the months to come from the new security panic this incident will likely produce. Recent headlines related to the topic going to prove this point nicely.
So what do you think. Was this John poster an insider who tried to warn us all of today’s tragic events? Or was his choice of Vegas as a target just a seemingly random coincidence, that we should pay no mind to. Let me know your take on the story at @Jack_Kenrick or on the offical Squawker Facebook page.
More about the connections between Chertoff and Adelson to the attack in Vegas

Our mysterious poster specifically mentioned two corporations set to make bank in the political aftermath of Vegas. First up is OSI Systems, Inc. A company who develops and markets security and inspection systems such as X-ray machines, metal detectors, and other expensive security related devices. As of this morning the company’s stock price is now at an all-time high for the year. Potentially even more interestingly, after a recent low on the day of the 4chan posting in question 9/11, the stock has been on a steady climb upwards ever since. See for yourself here in the picture below

The other named entity, the Chertoff Group cannot be tracked in the same manner as they are a privately held company. The company describe themselves as “a premier global advisory firm focused on security and risk management.
Whose professionals include former Cabinet-level officials, senior intelligence and national security officers, private-equity CEOs, and experienced investment bankers from the most distinguished Wall Street firms.
For those organizations that require tactical security support, we work hand-in-hand with clients to conduct comprehensive security assessments, establish effective risk management frameworks, and build more resilient organizations capable of navigating today’s threat environment.”

The Chertoff Group though leads us to its founder and one of only two specific names alluded to in the original post. Michael Chertoff the Harvard educated son of a Rabbi who served as head of Homeland Security under George W. Bush, and also happens to be the co-author of the Patriot Act. The bill responsible for the removal of more Constitutionally protected protected rights then any other in modern times. Beyond founding the Chertoff group, he also co-chairs the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Immigration Task Force.
As mentioned in the prior article Michael has already been formally accused of abusing his homeland security position to make money selling full body scanners. That is only the start of his past shady dealings however. As he has been involved in the stifling of investigations related to both 9/11 and Al-Qaeda. He also may potentially have the Clinton’s in his debt. As despite his close friendly ties to many prominent Democrats at the time, was appointed as special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. A Committee which had been tasked with looking into allegations against President Clinton and his wife. Allegations that quickly went nowhere once Chertoff got involved.
The other name mentioned is almost just as shady in his own right though.Billionaire Casino owner Sheldon Adelson is heavily tied into politics. Long serving as one of the key GOP mega donors who helps the party win elections.
In fact he wrote the President’s inaugural committee a 5 million dollar check at the start of the year, the largest ever donation to an incoming President. He is said to be frustrated currently that Trump isn’t taking a more extreme pro Israeli stance in his polices however. As Adelson is a strong supporter of the Jewish state, and even owns the daily Isreal Hayom paper, along with being in regular contact with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

The real questionable stuff starts when you consider that the Chinese government formally accused Adelson and his company of helping U.S. intelligence agencies spy on Chinese officials. Beijing believed that the CIA and FBI were using Adelson owned casinos operating in Macau to gather blackmail material on their people.
They took this threat so seriously eventhey prevented the establishment of a U.S. consulate in Macau over their concerns. This story came to light even only after an ongoing lawsuit had already previously revealed that Adelson ordered spying on local Macau officials through his resorts in the region.

If nothing else, the two men in question, Michael Chertoff and Sheldon Adelson are certainly powerful men with a history of shady financial and governmental dealings. If you were going to pick two people who would simply have the connections and resources to arrange an incident like the one in Vegas, you couldn’t cast a better pair.
Let’s keep in mind though its not like these two were called out to fit the narrative only after the fact, but rather singled out weeks ahead of time, along with the target location of Vegas.
With calls from all sides for increased security measures nationwide, it’s not that unlikely we could be facing the Patriot Act 2.0 sometime in the near future if the fear mongers get their way. Who could possibly be happier about that then the author of the original version, who of course just happens to own one of the companies set to profit most from such legislation.
Nothing is a better motivator then money and power, and certainly both are to be had here in the aftermath of the horrific attack in Vegas. While all of the above could be a coincidence, at the very minimum these two certainly will likely both mange to profit in the months to come. Along with their friend Mr. Soros, who has actually previously made a killing investing in OSI Systems stocks in times of national crisis.
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