Chewing or mastication is the process by which food is crushed and ground by teeth. It is the first step of digestion, and it increases the surface area of foods to allow a more efficient break down by enzymes.

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The sound of chewing is probably one of the most annoying sounds on the planet, if you are the type of person who cannot naturally block it out; you know exactly how horrible it can be. People who complain about others chewing are not merely being difficult to be around; the sound is literally amplified in their brain to such a level that they cannot ignore it.
The same thing can happen with the sound of someone cutting their nails or even tapping their feet. This sound is not only annoying, but it can also drive some people into an uncontrollable rage. This neurological disorder is called, “misophonia” or the fear of sound.
The condition comes from the central nervous system. It is hard wired to auditory stimuli in a negative way. This causes an individual suffering from the disorder to feel panic, disgust, or anger. They can even experience a “fight or flight” sensation or an anxiety attack.
That might seem like bad news to some, but it might also say something about who one is as a person. This disorder may mean that the one suffering from it may be more creative than most. “North-western research provides the first physiological evidence that real-world creativity may be associated with a reduced ability to filter “irrelevant” sensory information.”
Basically, those who are naturally creative have a harder time blocking out annoying sounds. Remember, chewers and chewies, it is not anyone’s fault. It all has to do with the brain.