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Alone with Nature

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Sometimes Nature’s peace and beauty is all we need. What you say?  

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Never give up.

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Suicide is not a solution, it’s running away from it.

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Who is worse- A fake friend or a real enemy?

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There are so many instances from round the globe that we hear and see in our everyday lives about deception and backstabbing from so called friends. O one can tell about the real reasons for that to happen. But we ask you the real question- who should be avoided in life- a real enemy or [...]

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Teach your children well

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This will make you think about your kid’s thinking

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Albert Einstein always insisted on providing most effective education system to the kids where they should be taught how to think and not what to think! Interesting one by Einstein… We wish it were true! In a good education system we should be taught how to think, not what to think.

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Best tips on increasing your life energy

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People all over complain of being bored to death or simply tired, doing nothing. Such people also demand for best and easiest tips to increase life energy. For such people on popular demand, here are some ways to increase your life energy: Dance as if no one if watching! Liberate yourself from the shackles of [...]

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Think about it…

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This unique poem on Blacks and Whites was chosen for best poem of 2005

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This poem was written by a young kid on the human skin color It beautifully depicts the true and never changing beauty of black color! It says: Black remains black forever but… White changes color many times every day!

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