Category: Important Info

Important Info

Why Does Anyone Stay Single?

Why do women prefer more masculine men during the fertile phase of their menstrual cycle? Why are men more distressed by a partner’s sexual infidelity than their emotional infidelity? And why do female dating profiles advertise beauty, while male dating profiles boast about wealth? The relatively new field of evolutionary psychology has answered all of […]

When You Shouldn’t Consume Ginger

This amazing root can offer numerous health benefits, but its consumption should be avoided in combination with insulin- based drugs, anticoagulants and beta- blockers. Due to its powerful properties and strong effect against numerous health disorders, ginger is often considered to be a universal medicine. It had been used for ages, as it is a powerful […]

Loners Are The Most Loyal And Intellectual People

We are working hard to make friends and connect with everyone we meet, but the loner prefers to stay to themselves. While this may seem strange to the social butterfly, it doesn’t bother the loner one bit. From the outside, it may appear that your loner friend is socially awkward or even lonely, however the loner […]

Amazing Usage Of Salt Other Than In The Food

Salt is such a precious commodity that in ancient times it was used to pay workers. We know that salt is used to liven the taste of food and for many other necessary things. Here are other ways to use salt at the home: 1. To Clean Chopping Boards : A handful or so of coarse salt mixed […]

Is Gossiping An essential Part Of Our Life?

Our conversations are not always about work, family, and life’s dilemmas. Why do people gossip so much? A study was conducted regarding this matter. Shockingly, the average person will spend around 50 minutes each day gossiping. The kicker is that most people don’t realize they do it. They are just sharing information about friends and family as […]

Are We Born Creative Geniuses?

NASA contacted Dr George Land and Beth Jarman to develop a highly specialized test that would give them the means to effectively measure the creative potential of their rocket scientists and engineers. As a result, the duo came up with an unorthodox test, rooted in the process of divergent thinking; which is the ability to […]

These Phrases Are Used Only By Unsuccessful People

You want to make an idea into reality, that may not lead you to success. Whether you’re going to make it or not doesn’t only depend on your wits and good ideas. That’s only the tip of the iceberg. The other 90% is your state of mind, your resolve, and your communication with others. Successful people know […]

Why Children Don’t Tell The Exact Issue With Them?

As children grow and develop, they experience a number of emotional reactions that they know are different or even negative feelings, but they haven’t the experience to understand what they are dealing with. However, they will let us know when something is wrong even when they aren’t entirely sure of what it is. While children […]

Most Store Honey Isn’t Real Honey

Honey has a dirty little secret: Your honey has been spiked and can be tainted with lead and antibiotics. Spiking honey is a common practice in the US. It means that corn syrup or other sweeteners have been added to honey to make it more affordable. In fact more than 75% of all honey sold […]

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