The entire world has been caught by the Corona virus. Everyday someone dies from the virus. How did the corona virus made way to humans? This is a question that scientists from all over the world are looking for. The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has identified a different type of coronavirus for the first time. This virus is the bat corona virus found in bats.
The bat corona virus has been discovered in two species of bats found in India. This virus is also called BTKov. This two species of corona virus bats have been found in four states of the country - Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu. All the same, be aware that many such claims have come to light earlier that the corona virus has reached humans only through bats.
In China, people eat almost every kind of wild animals. A large population also eats bats there. However, there is still no clear scientific evidence that these dangerous viruses have reached humans only through bats.
This research published in the Indian research paper of the Indian Council of Medical Research has claimed that there is no evidence or research that this virus found in bats can infect humans. According to researcher and scientist of National Institute of Virology (NIV), coronavirus has been found in 25 bats of species named Rosetus and Peropus in Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Puducherry and Tamil Nadu.