Sadness, feeling down, having a loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities - these are symptoms familiar to all of us. But, if they persist and affect our life substantially, it may be depression. Depression is a horrible condition to live with. Here are few points to get freedom from depression naturally.


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1) You must change your life

We all have a story, but obsessing over our struggles, making excuses, practicing avoidance, or looking for sympathy from other people is not going to change that story, it’s only going to prolong our pain. Change starts with accepting the responsibility that we need to face our pain, deal with our pain, and find a way to overcome our pain.

No one is coming to save us and no one actually can because the problem is inside us. All the money in the world cannot fix that. The best husband or wife cannot save us from what is inside. They can only distract us from our pain and depression temporarily, and giving this responsibility to them is unfair. We have to figure out how to do it ourselves, or we will just be using relationships, money and the like to distract us from our pain.

Growing up you can do everything and anything to avoid depression, anxiety, and pain. You may use video games, television, porn, alcohol, drugs, junk food, sex, social media, intimate relationships, and anything to help distract from what you feel inside. The longer you do this, the more powerful problems became, because running from problems is a race you can never win my.

You have to replace toxic outlets with positive empowering ones. This sounds easy, but most people simply cannot do it, because it requires an unprecedented internal struggle unlike anything you’ve ever engaged before.

Unfortunately alcohol, cigarettes, junk food, and drugs are terrible for our health, and thus only serve to actually fuel our depression and anxiety, while falsely giving us the impression that they help us to deal with it.

The same can be said for things like network television, social media, and porn. They distort our view of reality, and teach us to live in the realm of fantasy and the land of pretend. They waste our precious time, when we could be using that time working on self improvement and achieving our goals.

Getting involved in relationships is also not the solution, because until we learn to make ourselves happy, we cannot expect anyone else to do this for us either. Attempting to do so, will only create drama and dysfunction in the future. Of course, you could work through your problems together, but this requires both parties to be aware of this complex process, and most simply are not.

Until we learn to replace these bad habits and acts of escapism with positive empowering habits, we have no right to complain about our depression, because we aren’t trying our best to overcome it, but we are actually unconsciously helping to fuel it.

For those who are serious though, below is a list of positive outlets that you should incorporate into your life to help you on your journey.

2) Exercising

Exercising is a positive outlet that helps us intelligently deal with stress, depression, anxiety and pain. Whether you are in a wheel chair, or obese, there is always something that you can do, and over time with patience and persistence you can achieve exceptional results.

Exercising is absolutely key in helping change life for the better. It is a practice that everyone needs in their lives. When we train, our brains produce chemicals, like dopamine and serotonin, and these results in a natural high. But unlike most drugs that destroy our health, exercising actually improves our health.

It has also been well established that people who exercise have bigger and healthier hearts than those who do not. They are also better at dealing with stress and pain, and exercise also helps to promote neurogenesis at a much faster than normal rate, which is the growth of new brain cells, and this is absolutely imperative in order to overcome depression, because we need to rewire our brains.

3) Diet

Every time we eat or drink something, we are either feeding disease or fighting it. If you feed your body crap through alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, junk food and the like, and unsurprisingly you will feel like crap. The moment you began to replace these bad habits, with eating healthy and drinking non fluoridated water which actually led to eventually going Vegan everything changes.

What most people don’t realize is, the food we eat contains genetics, and these genetics interact with our genetics. So when you eat crap that has been genetically modified or an animal that has lived a depressing life of torture, suffering and pain, you consume that, and it obviously has an influence on your physical health and wellbeing. So try to eat as many raw natural fruits and vegetables as possible.

The other thing that most people remain completely unaware about, is most of our serotonin (which regulates our mood) is actually produced in our stomachs, not in our brains. So eat healthy, it will literally help you fight your depression.

Of course, most people like to say that eating healthy is expensive and they can’t afford it. Yet they have an iPhone, new shoes, or something else that they have prioritized above their physical health. So stop making excuses and find a way. Through the power of uncompromising persistence all things are possible.