A man is begging for help to overcome his addiction to CEREAL - munching a staggering 13 BOWLS a day topped with a whopping 138 spoons of sugar.
Phillip Patrick, 19, had a healthy and varied diet until he left home three years ago and slipped into bad habits.
Now the dad-of-one ONLY eats cereal - mostly Weetabix and cornflakes - topped with an enormous pile of sugar, scheduling his binges around his favourite TV programmes.
Phillip - who has eaten an estimated 14,235 bowls in three years - devours six boxes of cereal and 15 pints of milk a week and a 5kg bag of sugar every nine days.
19-year-old young man, Philip Patrick was a healthy man with a good diet until he left home 3 years ago. Since then, he has been eating 13 bowls of cereals daily and each one comes heaped with a mountain of sugar.
You will be surprised to know that this guy consumes about 138 pounds of sugar every day as part of his 13 bowl cereal diet.
Get Ready To Be Shocked
Can you imagine how the effects of that much sugar would be on him? You will be shocked to know how much he ate.
Philip, in last 3 years, has eaten an estimate of 14,325 bowls. He consumes six boxes of cereals and 15 pints of milk in a week and a 5kg bag of sugar every nine days. Like that was not sufficient he then washes all this down with regular cups of tea with six sugars.
He Gained Too Much
That’s the recipe of inviting a bad health which was inevitable. His weight almost tripled in last three years as he went from 96 pounds to 210 pounds.
Now, the father of one child, Philip is really worried about his health and goes on seeking help from several professionals to encounter his addiction.
The Consequences
Philips has already received a warning from experts that there are risks of developing cancer or heart disease. And, apart from all this, his family and sex life have suffered a lot.
His sex life has diminished to very rare occurrences and his wife now doesn’t like going out anymore as Philip refuses to eat anything except desserts at the restaurants.
Willingness to Fight Addiction
Philip acknowledged his problem and is willing to change his lifestyle to get rid of his addiction. He now eats cereal while watching TV shows and keeps them away at other times. However, he admits becoming a moody guy and needs his life back.
He said: “I know I’m still young but I’m not getting any younger and I need to be better for my son.
“I used to be quite an active lad, playing football, cycling and running.
“But now I’ve got no energy. I struggle to walk up the stairs because I’m so out of breath.
“It has become a habit now. It’s part of my daily lifestyle. I’ve been doing it every day for three years.

“I need to get my life back - I could die from it.”
“It was really affected my life,” he said.
“My sex life too - it used to be regular, but now it’s a rare occurrence.
“Sophie gets annoyed at me because if we do go out for dinner I’ll just have a fudge cake and be done in three minutes.
“I’ve tried to come off it a few times.
The last time a couple of months ago I threw my sugar away and I only lasted two days.
“As soon as I saw a bag of sugar I had to buy it.
“I’m usually quite a patient person, and when I have sugar and cereal I’m quite happy.
“But in between bowls or if I can’t have it I can be very, very moody.
“I need help to get my life back.”
source: mirror.co.uk, http://trendingposts.net, laughingcolours.com
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