You’re lying on your bed right now, staring blankly at the ceiling, and about to cry. For the past years, all you ever try to do is to figure out how you’ll go about your life. You think that almost everyone around you has figured out theirs, and you’re just there, trying not to mess up with whatever you have.

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You think you’re already doing it right and then for whatever reason, something comes up and you start to blame yourself for it. You know you should have done better, you should have handled it differently, but then again, of course, you would think that you didn’t.
I know you’re just scared. You’re scared because you think you’re never good enough. You’re scared because you see other people your age already doing well and you’re not even halfway good. You’re scared because you think about what others will say about you. You’re scared to end up failing. You’re scared that once they see how much of a failure you are, people will start to leave you, even those who once believed in you. You’re scared, and I understand.
But let me tell you this: You’ll make it. I swear, you will.
So if you feel like crying right now, it’s okay, go ahead and cry. I know you feel like a mess at this moment, but hey, everyone messes up sometimes. So hon, it’s okay to feel lost. Because I know you’ll eventually find your way out. It’s okay if right now you feel like you’re not the person you’re supposed to be, because I know that you’ll figure it out one day.
It’s okay if you feel like you’ve failed yourself and the people you love a lot of times already. One day, after all the tries and failures and cries, you’ll finally make it. And you’ll see that the people who love you never lost their faith in you.
So at it this point, I am asking you to not give up—never. Your heart may feel heavy right now and your mind may have thousands of thoughts inside, but you have to keep going. You have to, no matter how scary and much of a struggle it may be. I am proud that you found the strength to read this because that means that you’re trying to tell yourself that you can do this through all of these words. So if there are times that you feel like you’re about to just turn around and give it all up, remember this: You are not a failure. You are on your way. You’ll be proud of yourself someday.