Women like to rush into things and start planning their dream wedding long before they’ve found their beloved Charming Prince. It’s a bit different for men as they start thinking about settling down only after they’ve found their unique. How do you know if he’s ready to tie the knot or at least move in together? There are certain signs that indicate that he’s totally fallen for you and can’t think about anyone else. Men aren’t very good with talking about their emotions, but what they are good at is acting upon them. Here are few signs your boyfriend wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

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He makes major life decisions with you
Moving is a pain in the ass. You don’t move closer to someone just because they’re good in bed. If he’s arranging his life around you or turning down faraway jobs, it’s a pretty strong sign he wants you in his life forever.
He’s planning his life for you
You don’t turn down far away jobs just because a woman is a good cook. If he’s trying to stay as close as possible to you, it’s sure sign he wants you to be in his life for good. If you haven’t moved in together yet he’s probably already started talking about it. The more serious he is about you, its better for you.
His approach is collective
When a guy often talks about you doing things together as a couple, it’s a sure sign that he sees the two of you spending a lot of time together. He’s probably thinking about spending the rest of his life with you! This means he perceives both of you as a single entity and his bachelor days are far behind. It’s one of the best signs ever.
He stays in touch with your family
He actually throws himself into the lion’s den that is your family for the sake of maintaining harmonious relationships. He cares for all your family members.
He pushes you to accomplish your goals
He wants to see you grow and achieve real happiness because you are just as important to him as he himself. No one wants to spend the rest of their lives with the sad or bad guy.
He always wants remain in your company
It’s good when you can have fun with your boyfriend, but what really matters is when the two of you can get all domestic at home and still spend great time. You might not live together yet, but you already have your stuff stashed away in his apartment and you enjoy each other’s company while doing grocery shopping, cooking dinners, and watching movies.
He’s with you in all circumstances
If your man is not afraid to be around when you hit rock bottom, it’s a sure sign he treasures you more than anything. It’s easy to be together when all is well, but sticking through the rough patches requires some serious care and devotion. This means the two of you can overcome any trouble together, and that’s more than any of us could ask for.