The novel coronavirus that originated from a Wuhan seafood market is now creating chaos everywhere on the planet, and as of now, this deadly pandemic has claimed the lives of more than 1,98,000 people. As coronavirus killing spree continues, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has tripled the number of COVID-2019 symptoms on their website.

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CDC had previously listed cough, fever, and shortness of breath as symptoms of coronavirus. Now, the latest update reveals that severe chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell are also symptoms of coronavirus.
CDC also added that these symptoms will appear 2-14 days after virus exposure. The federal organization also urged people to seek immediate medical care if they develop any of these symptoms.
A few days back, some medical experts had claimed that skin rashes could be another symptom of coronavirus infection. Doctors made these claims after Jessica, a Los Angeles woman who contracted coronavirus started developing rashes on her feet.
“When I first saw this mysterious rash, I just didn’t know what to make of it. In northern Italy there was a study that showed that out of 148 patients at this hospital, none of which had gotten the prior medication, one in five had a rash associated with their condition, COVID-2019,” said Shirley Chi, Jessica’s dermatologist.
Even though the CDC has listed the symptoms associated with COVID-2019 infection, medical experts believe that there could be a considerable number of asymptomatic patients who will not show any symptoms. A few weeks back, a study conducted by experts at Iceland also substantiated this fact, and they claimed that nearly half of the people contracted with coronavirus will be asymptomatic.