Your wedding is a day that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. Your evenings spent swiping endlessly on Tinder are finally over – never again will you cry yourself to sleep whilst cradling a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and listening to ‘All By Myself’.
Knowing that you’ll be loved for the rest of your life is a wonderful thought. No one wants to die alone surrounded by cats, and whilst few couples these days wait until their big day to get it on for the first time, almost none of them do this in their wedding photographs…

A Dutch couple recently went viral after seemingly performing a sex act in one of their wedding photographs. Shockingly, it was the mother-in-law’s suggestion, although it’s not known if it was the bride or groom’s mom. Whoever she is, she’s one cool lady.
Taken by photographer Michel Klooster, the picture depicts the bride giving her groom a blow job deep (yes, it was very deep) in the heart of a wood. Here’s an aerial picture of her charming her new husband’s trouser snake. It almost looks like they are kissing…
“Some grooms can’t wait until the party is over to go quietly to the suite and have a crushing wedding night,” Klooster wrote on Facebook. “Fortunately, they were officially married. Soon a small impression of this charming wedding (sic).”
The photograph instantaneously received a lot of attention on the social networking website, with many viewers branding it “vulgar” and “offensive”, but thankfully the vast majority of people saw the funny side to the picture.
Since the dawn of time, randy couples have gone into woods to get it on in relative privacy. Whilst we no longer live in prehistoric times, sex in the woods is still common, especially for couples who want to say they’ve done it outside!
The woods is also the location of choice for dogging. However, as you might be able to work out from the picture, all is not what it seems. The groom’s underpants are up, and the bride’s hand is, well, not on his phallus…

Although it might look like the most X-rated professional wedding photograph in history, it’s completely staged. Klooster made a point of revealing this on Facebook, writing that although it’s “suggestive” “we’re not doing anyone here”.
Klooster also responded the photograph’s critics, writing, “Anyone who considers this offensive is in my eyes still in the year 1996. Of all the pictures that have been taken there is one playful. Give those people their fun. I’ll give you that too. Life is a prude (sic).”
Life is often taken too seriously, so we should take every opportunity we can to create fun and laughter – even if that means simulating blow jobs on your wedding day. This photograph has certainly inspired me to do something similar when I tie the knot…
The blow job photograph, however, was not the only randy snap the couple had taken on their big day either. They were also photographed appearing to get it on inside a truck. And they say that romance is dead!

Relationships might be built on physical attraction, but couples stay together if they have got shared values, dreams and an all-important shared sense of humor. One of them has certainly now got the coolest mother-in-law in the world!
source: viralthread
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