Never Ever Google Avil Lavigne’s name.
When was the last time you Googled ‘Avril Lavigne’?
Perhaps, hearing the rumour she’s been dead for 14 years and replaced by a clone , you did a quick search for news on her, out of concern and the goodness of your own heart.
If that is the case, then your goodness would not have been rewarded.
Instead, you would have been PUNISHED for still caring about the ‘Sk8er Boi’ popstress.
This is sadly the world we live in, a world where Avril Lavigne is one of the ‘riskiest’ people to Google.
Why you should never Google her.
She’s one of the biggest names in the music industry, but it seems that Avril Lavigne is more dangerous than ‘Complicated’
Googling Avril could be bad news for your computer, as according to Cybersecurity firm McAfee , she is the celebrity most likely to direct internet users to websites that carry viruses or malware.

This, by definition, is software with Black Mirror overtones, specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain authorised access to a computer system.
Web users researching Avril have a 14.5 per cent chance of landing on a web page with malware, the firm’s data revealed.
If you’re tempted to search for free mp3s alongside the singer’s name, you have a 22 per cent chance of clicking on a page with a virus.
Avril’s not alone though. In fact, she’s in quite decent company.
McAfee hopes the findings will encourage people to stay safe online, and has given a list of time on how to search safely:
- Be careful what you click. Are you looking for a sneak-peak at Avril Lavigne’s rumored 2017 album? It’s better to wait for the official release than to visit a third-party website that could contain malware.
- Searching for free MP3s? Watch out! Searching for ‘free MP3’ returned the highest number of risky websites, so it’s important for consumers to be vigilant and ensure they are searching safely.
- Browse with security protection like McAfee WebAdvisor. This McAfee tool can help keep you safe by identifying malicious websites and warning the user before they click.
- Use cross-device protection. As our daily activities become more ingrained in our digital lives it’s important to keep everything protected. A comprehensive security solution, like McAfee Total Protection, can help ensure that your devices are protected against malware, phishing attacks and device-specific protection in the event of loss or theft.
‘Most dangerous’ really means that these celebrities are likely popular search subjects.
Search terms included: ‘Celebrity Name + free torrent’, ‘Celebrity Name + free mp4’, ‘Celebrity Name + free mp3’
The research found that searching for ‘Avril Lavigne free mp3’ resulted in a 22 per cent change of landing on a malicious website.
Several actors and actresses found their way onto the list, including Anna Kendrick (pictured left), and Jennifer Lopez (pictured right)
And while the 2017 list was dominated by searches for musicians, McAfee highlights that other celebrities can be risky to search for.
Several actors and actresses found their way onto the list, including Anna Kendrick (No. 13), Jennifer Lopez (No. 20), Hailee Steinfeld (No. 23), Will Smith (No. 34), Jackie Chan (No. 38), Vanessa Hudgens (No. 44), Teyana Taylor (No. 45), and Zendaya (No. 50).
McAfee hopes the findings will encourage people to stay safe online, and has given a list of time on how to search safely.
These include browsing with security protection, and using cross-device protection.
While Avril Lavigne was ranked number two in 2013, finishing behind Lily Collins, she topped the list this year, followed by Bruno Mars (pictured left) and Carly Rae Jepsen (pictured right)
Gary Davis, head of consumer security at McAfee said: ‘In today’s digital world, we want the latest hit albums, videos, movies and more, immediately available on our devices.
‘Consumers often prioritize their convenience over security by engaging in risky behavior like clicking on suspicious links that promise the latest content from celebrities.
‘It’s imperative that they slow down and consider the risks associated with searching for downloadable content.
McAfee have also outlined nine other celebrities who could potentially be harmful and turn out malware when you search for them:
1 Bruno Mars
2 Carly Rae Jepsen
3 Zayn Malik
4 Celine Dion
5 Calvin Harris
6 Justin Bieber
7 Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs
8 Katy Perry
9 Beyoncé

Céline Dion’s entry on the list is particularly upsetting and suprising - that’s a large bulk of our internet time scuppered.
Anyway, you’ve been warned - search for Avril at your computer’s peril.
source: mirror, menshealth, dailymail
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