Prevents Cancer, Remove Fat and Excess Water by Removing All Toxins from the Body in 3 Days

In this article we will present you 3 days cleansing system that will help you to detoxify your body, change your diet and reduce the desire for processed foods.

It is important to mention that two days before you start with the treatment, you should stop consuming dairy products, because they are digested slowly and can prevent the cleansing treatment.

First of all, before the process of cleansing the lungs, your body must eliminate the toxins found in dairy products.

The day, of more precisely the night before you start with the cleansing method, you should drink 1 cup of herbal laxative, for example Mullein tea. This tea will help in the process of cleaning the intestines from toxins that may cause constipation. Your lungs shouldn’t be overloaded by blockages because of the mullein tea, which helps with the process of detoxification.

Then, the next morning, prepare a drink with lemon juice from 2 lemons and a ½ cup of water. Drink this mixture before breakfast. On this way the digestion will be improved due to the powerful alkalinity of the lemon juice. This will help your lungs to remove mucus.

After the breakfast, drink 1 to 1 ½ cup of grapefruit or pineapple juice. The choice is yours, depending on which flavour you prefer, because both of these juices are fine if you do not like the taste of either, just dilute it with fresh water. Both these juices, grapefruit and pineapple juice, are rich in antioxidants that help to maintain the health of your respiratory system.

In the period between the breakfast and lunch, drink 1 to 1 ½ cups of pure carrot juice. This juice will aid in alkalizing your blood during the detoxification treatment. Carrots are very beneficial for the respiratory tract, because carrots are rich in beta-carotene which the body easily turns into vitamin A.

The next step is to prepare a juice that is mixture of squeezing celery, parsley, sea greens, carrots and spinach. Drink 1 ½ cups of this juice that is rich in potassium with your lunch. Potassium is a powerful antioxidant and due to that is great for cleaning the body, especially if consumed in the above listed varies as a liquid. You may substitute this juice with pure Acai berry, blueberry, or Noni juice mixed with one cup of water. You can buy Acai berry, blueberry or Noni juice in healthy food stores.

​During the same evening you should drink 1 cup of mucus – cleansing tea, more precisely an hour just before dinner. In this tea you can add ginger, rose hips and spearmint/ peppermint, which are fantastic against mucus build up, stuffy nose and congestion.

At the end, before you go to bed, drink 12 ounces of pure cranberry juice. This juice will fight against bacteria and mucus that have accumulated in in the lungs which can cause infection. Cranberries are powerful antioxidants that are extremely beneficial to your immune system and reproductive system. This plant will cleanse your blood and urine as well. Do this for 3 days in a row.

The final results of this process will be amazing: eliminated toxins, lipids and fats, an over abundance of water, cleansed lungs and finally complete detox body.

