When you think about pyramids your mind is likely drawn to thoughts of Ancient Egypt and the pyramids of Giza. Experts say, however, that pyramids can be found throughout the world and, in fact, Egypt isn’t even the location that holds the claim to the most pyramids! Shocked? You’re not alone

It appears that there is a lot more to be known about the pyramid, its uses and its history than we previously realized. So where are the most pyramids in the world? Throughout Guatemala, there have been discovered approximately 100 different ancient sites, each revealing pyramids upon being excavated. As most of these sites have long been lost, we can only estimate the total number of pyramids in the area, however, local historians and archaeologists say that there are likely 300-400 pyramids total. Compare that to the 120 pyramids throughout Egypt, and it definitely puts it into perspective!

In an effort to better understand the purpose of the pyramids, Dr Alexander Golod, PhD has dedicated his career since 1990 to researching their construction, use and impact on life around them. As part of this research he, along with a number of other Russian scientists and experts, have now built over 20 large pyramids in 8 different locations throughout Russia and Ukraine including Moscow, Sochi, Voronezh, Belgorod, Krasnodar, Uzbekistan and Zoporozhye. The pyramids are each made of fiberglass, providing the researchers with a place to carry out their in-depth studies. The largest of the Russian pyramids stands 144 feet high and weighs over 55 tons costing over $1 million to construct.


One such expert, Dr Volodymyr Krashnoholovets, has been endorsed by the Russian government, working to better understand the implications that pyramids have on the individuals, beings and organisms that are found in their vicinity. Through his research he has been credited with 13 conclusions, each referring to a finding in reference to the pyramids and their impact. Some of these conclusions make statements of his own direct findings, such as “Seeds stored in the pyramid for 1-5 days showed a 30-100% increase in yield.” Others refer to connected studies providing important insight into understanding the pyramids. For example: “A study was done on 5000 prisoners who ingested salt and pepper that had been exposed to the pyramid energy field. The test subjects exhibited a greatly reduced violence rate and overall behavior was much improved.”

All 13 conclusions can be seen HERE.

Krashnoholovets’ research has opened the door to a new level of understanding in relation to the pyramids, providing for some insight into why they were built through the globe. Further research will be required to confirm the healing properties discovered in the Russian studies. For more information, view this video featuring David Wilcox: