Does it happen to you while in a shoe shop, you like a shoe but it just don’t fit your feet and there is no other size available for it?
Well, Few women’s prefer to alter their foot to fit to the shoe of their choice with the help of plastic surgery, rather than buying another pair of shoes. Crazy, isn’t it?
Now science have been focusing on this issue of women and have brought out plastic surgery capable to alter girl’s feet to fit better in shoes and look better. The strategic Botox injections procedure makes the women’s shoe feel better, says the surgeons.
If you have the opinion that girl’s conceit was limited to their faces, love handles and chest then you might need to change your perception, because New York Times reported that this new plastic surgery have been very popular and on a rise.
According to Dr. Ali Sadrie, this type of cosmetic foot surgeries have been so much in demand that he have coined cute names for all of them. The names of such procedures are followings:-
The Perfect 10: it is for toe shortening
The Model T: it is used for toe lengthening
The Cinderella: this alters the foot shape to make it adaptable to the shoe the woman wants to wear.
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