Top 10 Biggest Brain Damaging Habits- WHO

Most dangerous brain damaging habits: WHO

According To World Health Organization, these are the biggest brain damaging habits:

1. Skipping Breakfast- People who avoid breakfasts have a lower blood sugar level which leads to an inadequate nutrients supply to brain which causes brain deterioration.

2. Eat too much- Those who gorge too much on food are more likely to have hardening of brain arteries which leads to a decline in mental power.

3. Smoking- It might cause brain contraction and even Alzheimer disease.

4. Consuming too much sugar– This will slow down the absorption of proteins and nutrients which causes malnutrition and ultimately less brain development.

5. Air Pollution- Being the largest oxygen consumer in the body, when brain inhales polluted air, it there is an overall decrease in brain efficiency.

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6. Sleep scarcity- Less sleep means less brain rest that leads to speeding of brain cells death.

7. Covering head while sleeping- It increases the carbon dioxide concentration and decreases concentration of oxygen- to create brain damaging effects.

8. Working the brain through sickness- Doing mental work while ill might lead to brain’s effectiveness.

9. Lacking stimulating thoughts- Thinking trains the brain in the best way and lacking thinking may result in brain contraction.

10. Talking infrequently- Rational talks help in promoting the effectiveness of brain.

