You are waiting for a man to introduce you to a family, if that’s exactly what you want. It is said that one can choose a man, but the children cannot choose their own father, so choose wisely.

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You are waiting for a man who will share his dreams for the future with you. You know deep in your heart that he will be the best father for your children.
You are waiting for a man who holds on to the traditions that are important to you both, but also open to change. He will respect and understand your past, your culture and your roots.
You will be able to talk openly about things that you disapprove of in the world. You are waiting for a man who will also find comfort in discussing the things you both feel passion for.
You are waiting for a man who will pray for you if you feel lost, scared or confused. You are waiting for a man who will bring peace to your life if you need it. I hope he will calm your storms and he will be your lighthouse if you have to find your way home.
You are waiting for a man who likes to explore, and adventure, but who also loves to lie on the couch with you all weekend and watch movies. You will enjoy discovering and having a company. He will find pleasure in being with you and giving you pleasure.
You are waiting for a man who will see you from your best as well as from your worst side, but still loves you with all my heart. You are waiting for a man who will not be afraid of what you bring to the relationship. He cannot wait to make you his lifelong partner.
You are waiting for a man who will appreciate your family. You will admire him for that. His family means a lot to him. You will see in his eyes the respect and love he feels for his mother.
You are waiting for a man who will love and respect your family like his own. He will help your mother with shopping or watching a soccer match with her father. He will do something with your siblings and cousins. I hope he will adapt perfectly to your family.
You are waiting for a man who will make you laugh, because life is far too short to spend with someone who cannot have fun with you. You are waiting for a man who will make your everyday activities exciting. You are waiting for a man who will never make you feel that any activity is a waste of time.
You are waiting for a man who will never put you down before other people. He will never make you feel that you are not good enough or valuable and will treat you as if you were made of gold.
You are waiting for a man who is honest, loyal, trustworthy and loving. You are waiting for a man who is authentic, spiritual, respectful and hardworking.
Let him become all that you have always wanted. His heart will love as much as you’ve always hoped for from a man. You are waiting for a man who will always carry you on hands.
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