
To excavate a pyramid is the dream of every archaeologist.

World’s largest pyramid was mistaken as a mountain. Why this temple at Cholula dwarfs the Great Pyramid at Giza went unnoticed by Spanish invaders. Why?

When Hernán Cortés and his Spanish army marched into the great city of Cholula present-day Mexico on October 12, 1519, they stormed the streets, looted religious treasures and murdered about 10% of the local population in a day. According to some people death toll reached to as much as 30,000. Their holy pyramids were ablaze; a whole city goes up in smoke. A tiny church was set up on the top hill as a symbol of their conquest.

The pyramid was hidden for a long time until locals began to construct a mental institution in 1910. That’s when they discovered the largest monument ever constructed anywhere in the world. After the Spaniards had settled in the city, they had built many buildings which in modern day has a church. Tlachihualtepetl or the Great Pyramid of Cholula is about 200 feet tall and nearly 1,500 feet wide in area.

Come inside the pyramid. History is calling you. Have a look!

Let’s not call it Mexico City lets call it Babylon

The picture was taken in the early 20th century.

These skeletons are screaming high to be freed. When the entire city’s drainage system was dug up in 2013, at least 63 skeletons were found from pre-colonial times

I hope when we die; we get to know the answers to all the mysteries on earth and beyond, I have so many questions!


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The Great Pyramid of Cholula has a church on its top, and it is also one of the oldest monument of North America.

Experts are still trying to untangle its secrets. This mysterious pyramid has been constructed around 300 BC.

Cholula was one of the most important cities in the Aztec Empire. It is located nearby capital Tenochtitlan and currently it is the fourth largest town in Mexico.